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About Orion Retreat

The Orion Healing Vision

Daliah and Ari are the inspirational couple who founded Orion Healing Centre in 2006. Their mission is to create the settings and conditions for people to go through transformation. Using tools from the East such as Reiki, Yoga, meditation and breath work, and combining them with detoxification and fasting techniques to allow for the healing of the body, mind and spirit.

Embracing traditions from all over the world they are aligned with the ancient Condor Eagle Prophesy which talks of the unification of the Condor, the path of heart, intuition, connection to the earth and the feminine and the Eagle, the path of the mind, intellect, technology and of the masculine.

Embracing traditions from all over the world they are aligned with the ancient Amazonian Condor Eagle Prophesy which talks of the unification of the Condor, the path of heart, intuition, connection to the earth and the feminine and the Eagle, the path of the mind, intellect, technology and of the masculine .

The prophecy states that in this era, the Eagle and the Condor come together, to fly in the same sky, and to create a new level of consciousness for humanity.

Orion Retreat Founders Story
Ari and Daliah are the husband and wife team who co-founded Orion Healing Centre. They met on a Vipassana meditation retreat in 2002. They went on to establish the first Orion Centre together on Koh Phangan in 2006. Daliah and Ari are parents to 3 children who are being raised here on the islands of Southern Thailand. Dedicating their lives to helping those who are thriving to find out how to live to their full potential, fulfill their visions and dreams in happiness and health. Ari is a Reiki Grand Master who has been dedicated to the understanding and practice of this Japanese esoteric art for over 2 decades. He teaches internationally on the subjects of energy channeling, healing and self-mastery, becoming the architect of your dream life.  In 2000, Ari received a clear vision that illuminated his path. He followed this inner vision to Thailand, where he practiced meditation with Thai monks in traditional cave settings and has studied esoteric techniques from many religions and cultures, including indigenous leaders from the Yawanawa and Huni Kuin Tribe, Brazil and famed kabbalists. Daliah is a Reiki Master, Intuitive Healer, Craniosacral Practitioner, Yoga Teacher and Herbologist. She was blessed with intuitive abilities from a very young age.  She is the co-founder and currently the CEO of Orion Healing Centre. Daliah has been curating holistic detox retreats, and holding space for healing for over 20 years. She has organized and facilitated healing in ceremonial plant medicine spaces in various locations in the world.

Orion Retreat Koh Samui is the ideal Thailand Detox Retreat. We focus on detoxing and cleansing the body from toxins so that we become healthy and vibrant and gain the clarity and the courage to truly follow our dreams.  

The tools that you gain with us through detoxification practices, mindset reset, coaching, yoga, meditation and healing are tools that, will help us to resolve many of the personal and global issues that we are currently facing today.

Our mission is to create an organic movement of change through people’s lifestyles and food choices.

Team Members

Gabriela zoltakova (ela)

Director of Wellness Programs

Reiki Master Teacher

Moon Mother


Her Bohemian ancestry, international wellness career managing top hospitality brands globally, professional education in Nursing and the devotional path of an Empath Healer, effortlessly merge into multi-passionate life of service.

Acting as an Orion Retreat leader, Ela also lovingly offers Energy Healing Sessions, Chakra Crystal Analysis and Breathwork to support your physical, emotional, mental and energetic wellbeing.

Thipphawan Laksanawichian

Holistic Wellness Practitioner

Khun Thip is a traditionally trained Massage Therapist and Holistic Wellness Practitioner with over 13 years hands-on practice at five-star hospitality brands internationally. Her clients include international celebrities, wellness experts, yoga teachers and Samui expats.

Her treatments during your retreat programs include Lymphatic Drainage Massage, Chi Nei Tsang Massage, Kundalini Massage and other Spa treatments ensuring to relax and pamper you.

Alisa Suttibon
Yoga Teacher

For bookings or other inquiries

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